This is my blog about our daily struggles with Cystic Fibrosis. God is so good and contiues to amaze me with His healing power and grace on a daily basis. Read our story and be blessed...

Monday, December 19, 2011
Happy Birthday Lexi...
Eight years ago today, God blessed us with His miracle. At this very moment eight years ago, Lexi was in surgery and God was guiding the hands of the Pediatric Surgeon that would save her life. Lexi had an intestinal blockage that had ruptured. Dr. Pence spent hours cleaning and searching for enough intestines to save her little life. But what he didn't know was that God had a plan. God knew before any of us that Lexi would be special. You see, the Devil tried to take her from us...but oh no!!!! God knew Lexi was special to Him and everyone that would meet her.
My prayer is for Lexi to continue to allow God to lead her life. To guide her in every decision that she will make.
Happy Birthday my sweet girl!!!!
Thursday, December 8, 2011
Wednesday, December 7, 2011
We are Home!!!
Praising the Lord that we are home. We were discharged last night and I am pretty sure I got less sleep here than at the hospital...but doesn't matter...home is great!
They were unable to get a home health nurse to come out to the house until tomorrow (Thurs), but b/c we are IV experts...we could come on home. I don't mind being called an expert in anything...but in giving her child IV meds....not so much.
Her dosing schedule is 4am, 12noon, and 8pm. The infusion takes 2 no sleep for the weary. But that is ok...cause this is gonna make little Lexi well.
Her poor little arm is still in terrible shape. We had to change her bandage today b/c it was coming up on the edges and her sores had some drainage that made the bandage wet. It was one of the most awful experience ever!!! Lexi screamed, cried, and begged me to stop. She was in so much pain that she was twisting the sheets in her other hands and at one point was pulling her hair. IT WAS TERRIBLE!!! She was saying ouch, ohhh, Mommy please stop, it hurts so bad. I am terribly heart broken.
I have been really emotional this time for some reason. I cried at the clinic visit when they told us we had to go in, I cried as I left her as they put her to sleep, I cried when I saw her on oxygen in the recovery room, I cried on the way home last night, and of course today as I changed her dressing...sheeww. I will be glad when this is over.
They were unable to get a home health nurse to come out to the house until tomorrow (Thurs), but b/c we are IV experts...we could come on home. I don't mind being called an expert in anything...but in giving her child IV meds....not so much.
Her dosing schedule is 4am, 12noon, and 8pm. The infusion takes 2 no sleep for the weary. But that is ok...cause this is gonna make little Lexi well.
Her poor little arm is still in terrible shape. We had to change her bandage today b/c it was coming up on the edges and her sores had some drainage that made the bandage wet. It was one of the most awful experience ever!!! Lexi screamed, cried, and begged me to stop. She was in so much pain that she was twisting the sheets in her other hands and at one point was pulling her hair. IT WAS TERRIBLE!!! She was saying ouch, ohhh, Mommy please stop, it hurts so bad. I am terribly heart broken.
I have been really emotional this time for some reason. I cried at the clinic visit when they told us we had to go in, I cried as I left her as they put her to sleep, I cried when I saw her on oxygen in the recovery room, I cried on the way home last night, and of course today as I changed her dressing...sheeww. I will be glad when this is over.
Sunday, December 4, 2011
Day three..
Praising the Lord for a great day! We had a wonderful night sleep, which makes everyone so much happier during the day. :)
They did come in last night and completely stop her Vanc. This made me worry a little. The doctors have never stopped her antibiotics, especially in the middle of a dose. But they did start it back at 4am this morning. Evidently her levels were way too high:~/
Aunt Stacy and Uncle V came to visit today and brought lots of goodies and snacks. They stayed about 5 hours which was wonderful. Gave me a break from having to entertain and really made Lexi's day.
The doctors came in today and said Lexi's lungs sound good. Hopefully the cleaning they did during her Bronch will make it much easier for the antibiotics to work. They will also get the wound care team involved with her PICC line care. Lexi's skin is sooo sensitive that the PICC line dressing breaks down her skin. They are hoping that getting them involved early will help keep her skin from blistering soooo bad. The doctors are also going to get the surgical team to come by and talk to us about putting in a Porta cath for Lexi...way nervous about this.
Tonight we were able to unhook Lexi from her IVs for a couple hours. We took a bath and changed clothes...this was wonderful!
Lexi's arm that her PICC line is in has started to swell some. We had to page the doctor to come by and look at it. He ordered an ultrasound for the am thinking there may be a clot or some infection brewing. We shall see. Prayers please.
Love you all:)
They did come in last night and completely stop her Vanc. This made me worry a little. The doctors have never stopped her antibiotics, especially in the middle of a dose. But they did start it back at 4am this morning. Evidently her levels were way too high:~/
Aunt Stacy and Uncle V came to visit today and brought lots of goodies and snacks. They stayed about 5 hours which was wonderful. Gave me a break from having to entertain and really made Lexi's day.
The doctors came in today and said Lexi's lungs sound good. Hopefully the cleaning they did during her Bronch will make it much easier for the antibiotics to work. They will also get the wound care team involved with her PICC line care. Lexi's skin is sooo sensitive that the PICC line dressing breaks down her skin. They are hoping that getting them involved early will help keep her skin from blistering soooo bad. The doctors are also going to get the surgical team to come by and talk to us about putting in a Porta cath for Lexi...way nervous about this.
Tonight we were able to unhook Lexi from her IVs for a couple hours. We took a bath and changed clothes...this was wonderful!
Lexi's arm that her PICC line is in has started to swell some. We had to page the doctor to come by and look at it. He ordered an ultrasound for the am thinking there may be a clot or some infection brewing. We shall see. Prayers please.
Love you all:)
Saturday, December 3, 2011
Day two...
Today was a good day. Lexi's appetite is good and she seems to feel good. The doctors said this am that her lungs sound good. We are just hanging out waiting for her culture results to come back and her antibiotic levels to safely be where they need to be:) I must say again, how wonderful the pediatric staff is at UNC. They are so patient and them, and they all kinda think Lexi is special. Familiar faces come by to see her when they find out she is here.
We did have a restless night...The nurses came in pretty often to check her vitals and the baby next door cried alot. We are praying for a better night!
We were able to get rid of her oxygen and heart rate monitors during the day. They also pulled her IV after they were able to draw her blood from her PICC. Now we are just down to the one line. Praise the Lord!!!
They also did the first dressing change today on her PICC line. Lexi was so brave. Hoping no more changes for 7 days.
Have a good night, and thank you for all of your calls, texts, msgs, and most of all prayers.
We did have a restless night...The nurses came in pretty often to check her vitals and the baby next door cried alot. We are praying for a better night!
We were able to get rid of her oxygen and heart rate monitors during the day. They also pulled her IV after they were able to draw her blood from her PICC. Now we are just down to the one line. Praise the Lord!!!
They also did the first dressing change today on her PICC line. Lexi was so brave. Hoping no more changes for 7 days.
Have a good night, and thank you for all of your calls, texts, msgs, and most of all prayers.
Friday, December 2, 2011
Day one...
Lexi was admitted to UNC children's hospital for a Bronchoscopy, PICC placement, and to start IV antibiotics.
We came in today because the doctors were not satisfied with exactly what is going on with Lexi. Her white blood cell count was elevated, the doctors could hear some crackles when they listened to her lungs, and her chest x-ray did show some linear changes.
They are sooo wonderful here and make the kids feel so comfortable. They let me go back to the operating room with her until she went to sleep. They gave her an inhaled no ouchies until she was asleep. They even put scented chap stick in the mask to hide the foul smell of the medication. I held her hand with tears in my eyes as she fought to pull the mask off. She calmed down as the meds took effect, and then she closed her eyes. It is the same every time, but it doesn't get easier. I then kissed her and left her in good hands...
The bronchoscopy only takes about 30min. They go down her throat and into her lungs to look and get sputum samples. The doctor said that there was a lot of infection and thick mucus in her right lung. He said it was a little worse than her last Bronch.
The PICC team had a hard time getting a line this time. They had to stick her 3 times before they could get the line fed into her arm. It seems to get a little harder every time...but they got it and that is what counts. We may even talk about giving her permanent port in her chest while she is here:(
I was thrilled when they let me go back to see her in the recovery room. It seemed like forever, and her sweet face was the most beautiful thing. She had a little harder time waking up this time. They had to give her oxygen, which was different this time. That was hard to see. We tried to wean her off, but her little lips turned blue, so back on the oxygen we went...sheww. She finally ate and was able to completely come off of the oxygen.
We are now in a room and about to get her antibiotic started and hopefully have a wonderfully restful night.
Thank you all for your thoughts, messages, and prayers.
We came in today because the doctors were not satisfied with exactly what is going on with Lexi. Her white blood cell count was elevated, the doctors could hear some crackles when they listened to her lungs, and her chest x-ray did show some linear changes.
They are sooo wonderful here and make the kids feel so comfortable. They let me go back to the operating room with her until she went to sleep. They gave her an inhaled no ouchies until she was asleep. They even put scented chap stick in the mask to hide the foul smell of the medication. I held her hand with tears in my eyes as she fought to pull the mask off. She calmed down as the meds took effect, and then she closed her eyes. It is the same every time, but it doesn't get easier. I then kissed her and left her in good hands...
The bronchoscopy only takes about 30min. They go down her throat and into her lungs to look and get sputum samples. The doctor said that there was a lot of infection and thick mucus in her right lung. He said it was a little worse than her last Bronch.
The PICC team had a hard time getting a line this time. They had to stick her 3 times before they could get the line fed into her arm. It seems to get a little harder every time...but they got it and that is what counts. We may even talk about giving her permanent port in her chest while she is here:(
I was thrilled when they let me go back to see her in the recovery room. It seemed like forever, and her sweet face was the most beautiful thing. She had a little harder time waking up this time. They had to give her oxygen, which was different this time. That was hard to see. We tried to wean her off, but her little lips turned blue, so back on the oxygen we went...sheww. She finally ate and was able to completely come off of the oxygen.
We are now in a room and about to get her antibiotic started and hopefully have a wonderfully restful night.
Thank you all for your thoughts, messages, and prayers.
Wednesday, November 30, 2011
Elevated White Count...
I need all my prayer warriors!!!!!
I was looking forward to calling UNC today with an update on Lexi's cough. It seemed over the weekend to get a little better...only to have another concern to arise.
I draw Lexi's blood once a week to keep a check on her platelets (part of the blood that aids in clotting). The Zyvox that they put her on 3 weeks ago can lower these cells and we had to make sure Lexi's count stayed at a safe level. Last week they were a little low, but nothing to be alarmed about. We just watch Lexi close to make sure she didn't have any signs of internal bleeding and didn't let her play too rough for fear of an injury that couldn't heal. When a blood count is checked it includes a white cell count as well. This is the cell in the body that comes running when there is infection. It was a little high last week at 11.1...this week it is over 15!!!!! Not good. Her normal count is 8 or 9, so this is double what it normally is. They were not concerned last week, but really concerned now. Especially because she should be getting better. This is her last week of antibiotics.
So off to UNC we go tomorrow to see what is going on. Not sure what they will do yet...but those of you in health care know, it is hard to diagnose anything over the phone:)
Please pray that they find out what is going on so that my sweet angel can go back to not having a daily cough at ALL! With all that they have treated her with over the last few months, my fear is that we will have to do IV therapy. I do not want to spend Christmas in the hospital!!!
Love you all, and am so very thankful for everyone that follows my post...join, so I know who you are:)
I was looking forward to calling UNC today with an update on Lexi's cough. It seemed over the weekend to get a little better...only to have another concern to arise.
I draw Lexi's blood once a week to keep a check on her platelets (part of the blood that aids in clotting). The Zyvox that they put her on 3 weeks ago can lower these cells and we had to make sure Lexi's count stayed at a safe level. Last week they were a little low, but nothing to be alarmed about. We just watch Lexi close to make sure she didn't have any signs of internal bleeding and didn't let her play too rough for fear of an injury that couldn't heal. When a blood count is checked it includes a white cell count as well. This is the cell in the body that comes running when there is infection. It was a little high last week at 11.1...this week it is over 15!!!!! Not good. Her normal count is 8 or 9, so this is double what it normally is. They were not concerned last week, but really concerned now. Especially because she should be getting better. This is her last week of antibiotics.
So off to UNC we go tomorrow to see what is going on. Not sure what they will do yet...but those of you in health care know, it is hard to diagnose anything over the phone:)
Please pray that they find out what is going on so that my sweet angel can go back to not having a daily cough at ALL! With all that they have treated her with over the last few months, my fear is that we will have to do IV therapy. I do not want to spend Christmas in the hospital!!!
Love you all, and am so very thankful for everyone that follows my post...join, so I know who you are:)
Thursday, November 17, 2011
Did you know...Third Hand Smoke
What is third-hand smoke, and why is it a concern?
from Lowell Dale, M.D.
Third-hand smoke is generally considered to be residual nicotine and other chemicals left on a variety of indoor surfaces by tobacco smoke. This residue is thought to react with common indoor pollutants to create a toxic mix. This toxic mix of third-hand smoke contains cancer-causing substances, posing a potential health hazard to nonsmokers who are exposed to it, especially children.Studies show that third-hand smoke clings to hair, skin, clothes, furniture, drapes, walls, bedding, carpets, dust, vehicles and other surfaces, even long after smoking has stopped. Infants, children and nonsmoking adults may be at risk of tobacco-related health problems when they inhale, ingest or touch substances containing third-hand smoke. Third-hand smoke is a relatively new concept, and researchers are still studying its possible dangers.
Third-hand smoke residue builds up on surfaces over time and resists normal cleaning. Third-hand smoke can't be eliminated by airing out rooms, opening windows, using fans or air conditioners, or confining smoking to only certain areas of a home. Third-hand smoke remains long after smoking has stopped. In contrast, second-hand smoke is the smoke and other airborne products that come from being close to burning tobacco products, such as cigarettes.
The only way to protect nonsmokers from third-hand smoke is to create a smoke-free environment, whether that's your private home or vehicle, or in public places, such as hotels and restaurants.
Article from: The Mayo Clinic
Tuesday, November 15, 2011
Had another first tonight...
I am such a planner, always have been. I am not much for surprises of any kind...good or bad. Maybe it is a control thing or maybe I just don't like the attention unexpected things bring. I am a routine type of gal. Thank God, Reed keeps me out of my rut..always in a good way:)
On the other hand, mother hood has brought about so many challenges that I never expected I could do or would have to do. Sleepless nights, nursing, diaper changes, cleaning up poop, pee, and vomit. Never with a pause or second thought.
CF, however has brought about so many things that Reed and I never imagined we would have to do. Feeding tubes, IV lines, oxygen lines, emptying and changing ostomy bags, giving shots, sterile dressing changes, grueling medication schedules, and isolating Lexi from things/people that can't or won't do what it takes to keep her healthy. All of these things have been so hard, but God has kept us strong. At the end of the day, you look back and wonder how in the world you managed. You just do what you have to do...I guess. Be smart about stuff first and let your heart and emotions always follow second.
Just when you think there can not possibly be anything new you will have to do...that day comes. Today is that day. I, for the first time, had to draw Lexi's blood. I don't know who was more nervous, me or Lexi. I don't know who was more upset as it was being done me, Reed, Lexi, or Gage.
Thank God it is over! At least until next week. Lexi has to have her blood count checked once a week while she is on these new antibiotics. Shewwww, I hope next week is easier. Prayers for us all, please.
On the other hand, mother hood has brought about so many challenges that I never expected I could do or would have to do. Sleepless nights, nursing, diaper changes, cleaning up poop, pee, and vomit. Never with a pause or second thought.
CF, however has brought about so many things that Reed and I never imagined we would have to do. Feeding tubes, IV lines, oxygen lines, emptying and changing ostomy bags, giving shots, sterile dressing changes, grueling medication schedules, and isolating Lexi from things/people that can't or won't do what it takes to keep her healthy. All of these things have been so hard, but God has kept us strong. At the end of the day, you look back and wonder how in the world you managed. You just do what you have to do...I guess. Be smart about stuff first and let your heart and emotions always follow second.
Just when you think there can not possibly be anything new you will have to do...that day comes. Today is that day. I, for the first time, had to draw Lexi's blood. I don't know who was more nervous, me or Lexi. I don't know who was more upset as it was being done me, Reed, Lexi, or Gage.
Thank God it is over! At least until next week. Lexi has to have her blood count checked once a week while she is on these new antibiotics. Shewwww, I hope next week is easier. Prayers for us all, please.
Monday, November 14, 2011
A Different Approach...
So...Lexi did not have an intestinal infection! Thank you Lord!!!!! They have started her on two antibiotics that she has never been on before; Refampin and Zyvox. These are usually used to treat we are hoping it will attack her ORSA. The side effects and schedule are grueling...more so than most antibiotics. The Refamin is taken twice a day but has to either be 1 hour prior to a meal, or 2-3 hours right after a meal. Those of you that know my Lexi...well, she eats all day long. So I am trying to give her one dose at about 4am, so that on school mornings she can keep her schedule of breakfast and breathing treatments. She just goes right back to sleep, but not Mom/Dad:) The Zyvox is every eight hours, so one dose of this is given around 11-12 at night. Another during the night dose...wish it could be at the same time as her Refampin!!! Anyway, with the Zyvox there is 2 pages of food she can not eat, it can make your blood pressure high, and she has to have her blood drawn every week while taking this med. So please pray that the grueling schedule and side effects will not matter, b/c at the end her ORSA will be gone!
Sunday, November 6, 2011
Wednesday, November 2, 2011
Kalydeco to come in 2012!
This is the first of its kind for CF drugs. It has been said it is like the discovery of insulin for Diabetics. It will not cure CF, but will make life a lot healthier. It will hopefully be passed by the FDA in the next 6 months. This drug is only for about 4% of the CF population. It is not for Lexi's mutation, but definitely a step in the right direction...right:)
Kalydeco and hopefully the other drugs to follow will be meds that CF patients will have to take daily. It is not like chemo, or antibiotics in that you take a course and things are fixed. This med will cost patients approximately $200,000 per year, but I am sure insurance will help pay for part of that estimate. Patients will still have to do breathing treatments, take enzymes, and do all the other things that keep these patients healthy. Kalydeco will help correct the defective sodium/chloride channel at the cellular level.
I spoke to a patient online that has been part of the study trial for this drug. He is doing great. He has not been sick at all since starting the drug. He has gained weight and his lung function has increased for 60-80%.
What we all need to keep in mind is the health of these patients until this drug is approved and all patients get it. Patients with certain bacteria in their lungs will not be approved for this drug. Also any lung or other organ damage done by CF prior to starting this med can not be reversed. So we must keep at it...keep healthy, keep taking our meds, keep exercising...but most of all keep PRAYING!!!
Kalydeco and hopefully the other drugs to follow will be meds that CF patients will have to take daily. It is not like chemo, or antibiotics in that you take a course and things are fixed. This med will cost patients approximately $200,000 per year, but I am sure insurance will help pay for part of that estimate. Patients will still have to do breathing treatments, take enzymes, and do all the other things that keep these patients healthy. Kalydeco will help correct the defective sodium/chloride channel at the cellular level.
I spoke to a patient online that has been part of the study trial for this drug. He is doing great. He has not been sick at all since starting the drug. He has gained weight and his lung function has increased for 60-80%.
What we all need to keep in mind is the health of these patients until this drug is approved and all patients get it. Patients with certain bacteria in their lungs will not be approved for this drug. Also any lung or other organ damage done by CF prior to starting this med can not be reversed. So we must keep at it...keep healthy, keep taking our meds, keep exercising...but most of all keep PRAYING!!!
Monday, October 31, 2011
Happy Halloween
I hope everyone is having a great day:)
I just wanted to update everyone on our family. Poor Wittle Gage has been sick since last Wed am. It started out as fever, congestion, and vomiting. Now it is just a terrible cough. I finally took him to the pediatrician yesterday. He said Gage's chest was clear and his symptoms sounded viral, like a cold. This, he said, could continue for another 3-5 days. Poor guy, he wakes up in the morning, coughs and coughs, and says, "I feel bad again today, Mommy"! I have to say, he is extra sweet when he doesn't feel good...isn't that terrible. He is extra snugly:)
Lexi's cough is still not any better and she had several bouts of bloody stool last week. So, I called UNC today...they decided that they need to check her stool for C-difficile, which is a type of infection. If that is negative they want to go ahead and start her on oral antibiotics for her cough. HoHummm. Prayers, Please!!!
I also need some feedback from you. If you had a child or had a family member with CF, how would you or how would you want someone to inform you about CF and all the many details. Sit down and chat, or make you a little booklet on what is important, or give you a list of books or websites you can search yourself. As you can see CF is a disease that effects almost all of the organs of the body and can be affected by many environmental things. What do you think...give me you opinions, PLEASE. I know most of our friends/relatives have been told a lot about CF, but I am sure after 8 years there has been a lot forgotten...
Thursday, October 27, 2011
A little about our routine...
This video is a little about our daily routine and why it is important and how some of Lexi's meds work.
Tuesday, October 25, 2011
Finally an Update Blog...:)
Hi everyone...I know it has been a while, but I wanted to update you on Lexi's last several appointments. Things have not been the best in my life lately, but I am so thankful for what God does for us every day.
Lexi saw an ENT specialist in September. Things went much better than we expected. He went up her nose and into her sinuses with a scope and they looked pretty good. He did see some thick mucus but not a lot of inflammation and NO polyps. This is wonderful news to us. We were thinking that she might need sinus surgery in the near future...PRAISE THE LORD! He did increase her nasal spray and wants us to start doing sinus rinses several times a day...this we are still working on. The sinus rinses irritate her nose so badly. We are working on slowly increasing the frequency and will get there, I am sure.
Lexi had her regular check up with her CF Pulmonologist on Oct. 12th. This appt did not so well:( Her pulmonary function test was at her baseline normal...which is over 100%:)!!! Dr. Davis, however said that her lungs had ALOT of congestion. We decided to do an albuterol treatment and a second PFT to see if this made any difference. The albuterol opened her airways a lot, and did bring up her PFT score. This gave Dr. Davis the impression that Lexi has a lot more of an asthma component to her CF than we thought. NO GOOD, says me!!!! This means that all of those things, like fragrances, dust, animals, carpet, smoke....will just affect Lexi in a bad way....
Dr. Davis increased Lexi's Hypertonic Saline neb to 7% and I am to call back in the next week to let them know if it makes a difference in her cough....
Please keep us in you prayers that this works....not sure what the next step will be, but I do not want to be in the hospital for Thanksgiving or Christmas....
Lexi saw an ENT specialist in September. Things went much better than we expected. He went up her nose and into her sinuses with a scope and they looked pretty good. He did see some thick mucus but not a lot of inflammation and NO polyps. This is wonderful news to us. We were thinking that she might need sinus surgery in the near future...PRAISE THE LORD! He did increase her nasal spray and wants us to start doing sinus rinses several times a day...this we are still working on. The sinus rinses irritate her nose so badly. We are working on slowly increasing the frequency and will get there, I am sure.
Lexi had her regular check up with her CF Pulmonologist on Oct. 12th. This appt did not so well:( Her pulmonary function test was at her baseline normal...which is over 100%:)!!! Dr. Davis, however said that her lungs had ALOT of congestion. We decided to do an albuterol treatment and a second PFT to see if this made any difference. The albuterol opened her airways a lot, and did bring up her PFT score. This gave Dr. Davis the impression that Lexi has a lot more of an asthma component to her CF than we thought. NO GOOD, says me!!!! This means that all of those things, like fragrances, dust, animals, carpet, smoke....will just affect Lexi in a bad way....
Dr. Davis increased Lexi's Hypertonic Saline neb to 7% and I am to call back in the next week to let them know if it makes a difference in her cough....
Please keep us in you prayers that this works....not sure what the next step will be, but I do not want to be in the hospital for Thanksgiving or Christmas....
Friday, August 12, 2011
Lexi's cough its back:( It seems to have worsened over the last week and a half. At this point I am not sure if it her sinuses or her lungs. She sounds very raspy, her voice is hoarse, her cough is wet, and her sinuses are congested. Please be in prayer for her. I spoke to UNC and we are going to try some prednisone for a couple weeks and some Bactrim antibiotic. I sure hope this clears things up...
Thursday, August 4, 2011
The Can't are Overwhelming...
Cystic Fibrosis is probably one of the hardest diseases I know of. It is the number one disease in the US that kills children. There is only a 50% chance that people with CF will live to the age of 37. If children go undiagnosed by the age of two, then they will most likely not live to see their preteen years.
All of these statistics are hard to read, but to me the hardest part of CF is the CANT'S. Yes even harder than the daily fight that CFers go through. Even harder than the hours of treatments, hundreds of pills, tens of thousands of dollars in medical bills each year, and weeks of hospitalizations each year.
All of these statistics are hard to read, but to me the hardest part of CF is the CANT'S. Yes even harder than the daily fight that CFers go through. Even harder than the hours of treatments, hundreds of pills, tens of thousands of dollars in medical bills each year, and weeks of hospitalizations each year.
* Lexi can not have an indoor pet, no dogs, cats, fish, bunnies, hamsters...ext.
* We can not spend an extended period of time at a home that has an indoor pet. When it is unavoidable like b/day parties, I am on her like a hawk. Making sure she doesn't put her hands in her face and washes her hands before she eats or drinks. We can't tell folks not to have indoor pets and we hate to alienate her from everyone, but immediate family members that we would visit a lot can not have them at all. Not even for short periods of time.
* We can not have any carpet especially in Lexi's room. She does not need to spend the night at a home where there is wall to wall carpet in the bedroom.
* We have to have allergen covers on our pillows and mattresses.
* She will never be able to go to a bonfire, or roast marshmallows over a camp fire.
* She can not be outside while people are grilling, unless the grill is far..far away and you can not smell the smoke.
* She will never be able to plant flowers or a garden.
* We can not have any indoor plants.
* We have to have a whole house filtration/purification system to remove any bacteria from the water.
* She can't enjoy a hot tub.
* She can't mow grass or be outside when someone is mowing grass. Imagine how hard this is living in a neighborhood. Seems like someone is always mowing.
* We can't be around cigarette smoke at all. This is easier now b/c there is no smoking in public facilities in NC, but we still have problems at outside public places. Seems like every time we go to the pool, someone is always smoking around us...uugghh.
* She can't be around 1st, 2nd, or 3rd hand smoke. The first 2 are obvious, but we just recently learned about 3rd hand smoke. It is the carcinogens and harmful debris left on smokers clothes, hair, and in their homes. So no hugs if you smoke and have not showered:(
* Lexi can not vacuuming or sweeping b/c of the dust that is stirred up. No mopping, tub cleaning, or toilet cleaning b/c of the chemicals used. She can not even wash dishes or a car unless an unscented detergent is used.
* She can't be outside in the pollen or when it is dry and dusty.
* The heat makes it hard for her to breath and can cause her airways to close.
* She can not swim in lakes or ponds.
* We have to be very, very careful when swimming in public or private pools to make sure there is no bacteria or fungal growth and that the chlorine level is accurate.
* No one around Lexi can wear fragrances. This is very, very hard! Probably the hardest part, b/c these days all hygiene products have fragrances. Her caregivers, friends, and teachers that will be in close contact have to wear/use unscented everything. Fragrance free soap, deodorant, hair spray, hair mousse/gel, lotion, clothes detergent and fabric softener, and as lightly scented shampoo as possible (can't find unscented that works or that would be used too).
* We can not use any scented laundry detergent or fabric softener.
* We can not go in a home where they have used Fabreze, air fresheners, plug-ins, candles, warmers, ect. And this is really hard b/c you have to remove these things weeks to months to get the smell out of your home and fabrics. Sometimes longer if you have used a lot of fragrances like Yankee or Scentsy. This has lost us a lot of invites, b/c most people want their homes to smell nice...and well we just can't go!
* Lexi will never be able to use Bath and Body Works, wear perfume, wash with nice smelling hair/body products. This as a girl will be brutal.
* There are lots of stores that we can not go to b/c of their fragrances. One that we love, love, love is Cracker Barrel. We were letting her wear a mask until we entered the restaurant side, but even a mask could not remove all of the fragrance. :( We have also had to turn around and leave stores before b/c of the smell.
* I can't use most cleaning products. I do still use some chemicals in the bathroom to remove mold/mildew, but I have to wait until she is asleep. I close her door and leave the fan on for hours and know she will not enter that room for at least 6-8 hours.
* We have to be persistent about hand washing and sanitizing.
* We make waitresses re clean our table while I watch.
* I am the runny nose detective during cold/flu season. Big family get togethers are very hard on us. Everyone is rarely well all at the same time. Is is fair for us not to go or them not to come????
* We are careful not to wear our shoes all over the house, b/c of the germs they carry.
* Gas powered four wheelers, golf carts, scooters can be harmful. We try to eliminate these, but sometimes it is hard. Those times we wear a mask.
* Nail polishing is a careful ritual. We have to go outside, it has to be a breezy day to diffuse the fumes, and Lexi has to wear a mask. Not too fun then, huh!
* There can be no visible mold or mildew in our home. I know that sounds like it would be gross, but look around your tub or shower door. There is mold there unless you clean almost daily. This takes a great toll on me. I clean 1 bathroom every night, so that means my bathrooms and kitchen sink are cleaned at least every other day.
* I have to vacuum my wood floors everyday to remove dust. I mop them a couple times a week. I have to dust 2-3 times a week, clean my bathrooms every other day, spray my sink and counter tops daily, spray Lysol on phones, remotes, door knobs, toys, couches, light switches, ect on a weekly basis (again all while Lexi sleep b/c of the fumes)
* Lexi has to be careful about markers, paint, glue, and any other art supplies that have an odor.
* She can't use some make up and lip glosses b/c of the fragrance.
* She can't have toys that smell.
There are more, but I am tired and you get the point. This is so hard. I mean, how do you tell your child that they can't go, or do this, or come inside there is smoke... And how do you tell your friends and family to abide by these rules?
Some might say, let her live her life and be a child. Don't be over protective. Oh, and my favorite one can't protect her from everything forever. But how can you willingly let your child do something that is going to ultimately lessen her life span. Can you sit by and watch knowing... Please let me know... I struggle with this part of the disease more so than the med schedule. It has literally made me OCD!
Thursday, July 21, 2011
We are FREE...well a little.
I want everyone to know how great our God is. I know He is the healer of Lexi. I know that everyone has been praying these past 4 weeks for us, but these last few days we have felt God's power. You know we were getting a little more and more concerned this last week b/c Lexi's cough had not improved at all. We were not sure how this week would end and what direction we were going to take next. I even placed a call to UNC on Tues to let them know that Lexi was no better. That is how concerned I was... I was ready to maybe try a course of steroids, which I HATE.
Yesterday rolled around as it has the past few weeks. I left work around 2pm to come home and start our afternoon treatment. I started Lexi's IV and sat her between my legs to do her pat pats. I usually do her back first. After about 5 minutes, I always make Lexi cough....AND HER COUGH WAS CLEAR. Again, I tell her to cough. She coughs several more times...again HER COUGH IS NOT CONGESTED AT ALL!!!! Wow, up until this moment when she huffs or coughs she sounds very, very congested. Once she starts this cough, she usually has to cough several times to get clearance again.
Again at her evening breathing treatment, we go through the same ritual. I make her huff and cough again, and once more her cough was clear. I was excited, but hesitant to get my hopes up.
Today, as most of you know was the test. We had to go back to UNC for her check-up and decide what to do next. On the way Reed and I several times asked Lexi to cough for us. Each time the same. A little congestion, which sounded like some sinus drainage...but nothing major at all. PRAISE THE LORD!!!
We had an appt for her pulmonary function test first. She blew 106%....THE BEST EVER!!!! And this is without having done any albuterol to open her air ways and without having done any airway clearance. (Cause we didn't have time before we left this am!) Dr. Davis came in and her lungs sounded clear. Oh how excited we all were. Finally...the PICC can come out, her little raw arm can heal, we can all get some much needed sleep, and return to our normal/abnormal life.
Thank you all for all of your prayers, concern, and support. We NEEDED every call, text, email, or question of concern. It blesses our heart that we are so loved.
Love and Hugs,
Yesterday rolled around as it has the past few weeks. I left work around 2pm to come home and start our afternoon treatment. I started Lexi's IV and sat her between my legs to do her pat pats. I usually do her back first. After about 5 minutes, I always make Lexi cough....AND HER COUGH WAS CLEAR. Again, I tell her to cough. She coughs several more times...again HER COUGH IS NOT CONGESTED AT ALL!!!! Wow, up until this moment when she huffs or coughs she sounds very, very congested. Once she starts this cough, she usually has to cough several times to get clearance again.
Again at her evening breathing treatment, we go through the same ritual. I make her huff and cough again, and once more her cough was clear. I was excited, but hesitant to get my hopes up.
Today, as most of you know was the test. We had to go back to UNC for her check-up and decide what to do next. On the way Reed and I several times asked Lexi to cough for us. Each time the same. A little congestion, which sounded like some sinus drainage...but nothing major at all. PRAISE THE LORD!!!
We had an appt for her pulmonary function test first. She blew 106%....THE BEST EVER!!!! And this is without having done any albuterol to open her air ways and without having done any airway clearance. (Cause we didn't have time before we left this am!) Dr. Davis came in and her lungs sounded clear. Oh how excited we all were. Finally...the PICC can come out, her little raw arm can heal, we can all get some much needed sleep, and return to our normal/abnormal life.
Thank you all for all of your prayers, concern, and support. We NEEDED every call, text, email, or question of concern. It blesses our heart that we are so loved.
Love and Hugs,
Thursday, July 14, 2011
Our check-up
Today is a better day...I was really struggling Tues and yesterday, which is why this update is a little late.
Lexi went for her hospital follow up at UNC on Tues. We were hoping to get her PICC line pulled, but were disappointed. The pulmonologist could hear a lot of congestion, her pulmonary function test was down, and she is still coughing. We decided that she needed a 4th week of IV antibiotics. Lexi was very disappointed. We want what is best for her, but that is not always easy. We are hoping that the congestion the doctor could hear was the infection breaking up.
We are also having a hard time with Lexi's PICC line. She is very sensitive to latex and any adhesives. It is mandatory to keep a sticky, sterile dressing over where the line goes into her arm. This minimizes the risk for infection and also helps keep the line safer in place. Over time Lexi's skin has become angry and irritated by the dressing. Every time we changed her dressing, a little more of her skin pulled off. It is now so raw that she is in severe pain. We are having to now use dry sterile dressings for a few days. This will hopefully give her skin a chance to heal. Having this type of dressing on is very unsafe. It makes her more at risk for infection or for her PICC line to move. This makes us all very uneasy, b/c a PICC is a little different than a regular IV. It is a line that runs in the upper part of the arm, up around her shoulder area, and into the upper part of her heart. As you can see, this can be bad if air, a blood clot, or bacteria is introduced to this line.
The worse part of all of this is the dressing changes. Even though the adhesive dressing irritated her arm, we only had to change her dressing 1 x per week. Now that her dressing is dry gauze, we have to change it every day. This is TERRIBLE. As you can imagine. We have to removed the gauze, which sticks a little, then clean the area with a product kinda like alcohol. Needless to say it burns like crazy. Bless her heart!!!! It just breaks my heart thinking about it. She screams in pain the entire time we change the dressing and for 45 min-1 hour afterward. Then the itching begins....of course she can't scratch b/c of the dressing and it hurts to even touch. It is terrible for us all. We can not stand to see her in such agony. Tues when I changed her dressing, she of course cried and screamed. She said, "This is not fair Mommy," "I can't take this anymore!" It broke by heart. I cry as I write this.
Please keep us in your prayer. Lexi is probably better spirit than I am. Unfortunately, she is used to hours of breathing treatments and just goes with the flow.
Thanks for all of your concern. You will never know how much we appreciate it.
Lexi went for her hospital follow up at UNC on Tues. We were hoping to get her PICC line pulled, but were disappointed. The pulmonologist could hear a lot of congestion, her pulmonary function test was down, and she is still coughing. We decided that she needed a 4th week of IV antibiotics. Lexi was very disappointed. We want what is best for her, but that is not always easy. We are hoping that the congestion the doctor could hear was the infection breaking up.
We are also having a hard time with Lexi's PICC line. She is very sensitive to latex and any adhesives. It is mandatory to keep a sticky, sterile dressing over where the line goes into her arm. This minimizes the risk for infection and also helps keep the line safer in place. Over time Lexi's skin has become angry and irritated by the dressing. Every time we changed her dressing, a little more of her skin pulled off. It is now so raw that she is in severe pain. We are having to now use dry sterile dressings for a few days. This will hopefully give her skin a chance to heal. Having this type of dressing on is very unsafe. It makes her more at risk for infection or for her PICC line to move. This makes us all very uneasy, b/c a PICC is a little different than a regular IV. It is a line that runs in the upper part of the arm, up around her shoulder area, and into the upper part of her heart. As you can see, this can be bad if air, a blood clot, or bacteria is introduced to this line.
The worse part of all of this is the dressing changes. Even though the adhesive dressing irritated her arm, we only had to change her dressing 1 x per week. Now that her dressing is dry gauze, we have to change it every day. This is TERRIBLE. As you can imagine. We have to removed the gauze, which sticks a little, then clean the area with a product kinda like alcohol. Needless to say it burns like crazy. Bless her heart!!!! It just breaks my heart thinking about it. She screams in pain the entire time we change the dressing and for 45 min-1 hour afterward. Then the itching begins....of course she can't scratch b/c of the dressing and it hurts to even touch. It is terrible for us all. We can not stand to see her in such agony. Tues when I changed her dressing, she of course cried and screamed. She said, "This is not fair Mommy," "I can't take this anymore!" It broke by heart. I cry as I write this.
Please keep us in your prayer. Lexi is probably better spirit than I am. Unfortunately, she is used to hours of breathing treatments and just goes with the flow.
Thanks for all of your concern. You will never know how much we appreciate it.
Thursday, July 7, 2011
An update...
Hi everyone, I am excited to say that Lexi is improving. Thank you so much for all of your concern and prayers. We go to UNC on Tues for a recheck and to decide how long before we can take her PICC out. Her cough is still pretty bad, but they assured me that this was common and a very good thing. It means that the antibiotic is breaking up the infection in her chest. Our next obstacle is to see an ENT to check Lexi's sinuses. While performing her Bronchoscopy, the doctors looked up the back of her throat and into her nose. They observed some enlargement of her adnoids and a lot of thick secretions in her nose and sinuses. They are concerned that this may be part of her cough problem and possibly causing some of the lingering infection in her lungs. Really not looking forward to possible sinus surgery, but you all know me. Whatever keeps her healthy...lets do it and do it fast.
There a lot of other things that I am dealing with and need your prayers. This situation has been going on for years, but has progressively gotten worse. I am having a hard time dealing with this along with other things. Maybe it is the stress and little sleep that make me more emotional some days. I try not to feel sorry for myself because I know so many people have a lot more problems than us. Some days I am happy, some days sad, some days angry, but most days I am thankful...very, very thankful:) I know everyone has those days....
I feel like God wanted me to create this blog to glorify Him, but I also wanted to do this to keep family and friends updated, and an outlet for me to express my emotions.
With that said, do not be suprised if every now and then you see a crazy rant:)
Love you all.
There a lot of other things that I am dealing with and need your prayers. This situation has been going on for years, but has progressively gotten worse. I am having a hard time dealing with this along with other things. Maybe it is the stress and little sleep that make me more emotional some days. I try not to feel sorry for myself because I know so many people have a lot more problems than us. Some days I am happy, some days sad, some days angry, but most days I am thankful...very, very thankful:) I know everyone has those days....
I feel like God wanted me to create this blog to glorify Him, but I also wanted to do this to keep family and friends updated, and an outlet for me to express my emotions.
With that said, do not be suprised if every now and then you see a crazy rant:)
Love you all.
Wednesday, June 29, 2011
Hey guys! I am finally able to get to a regular computer and update my blog. My heart is overwhelmed with the calls, texts, emails, posts, and visits. I knew we were loved, but man this feels REALLY good! Words will never be able to descibe how thankful we are for each and every one of you! I can honestly say that your prayers and kind words have kept us going. Keep them coming.
Love you all!
Love you all!
Monday, June 13, 2011
Where do I start....
Lexi has been on antibiotics since her last appt at UNC. Her cough has only mildly improved. She coughs less often during the day, but when she does it is deep and wet. In reality, she has been on antibiotics almost daily since January.
We are going into the hospital next Fri for Lexi to have a Bronchoscopy. The pulmonologist will go down her throat and into her lungs to look around and collect sputum samples to culture. I am believing in good results, but the devil is still on my back. She and I both are very anxious. As you can imagine how a 7 year old feels. She is scared and has asked me thousands of questions. I am not sure it makes things any easier that she has already experienced this. She knows how scary it is. She remembers the gown, the smells, the scary nurses, and the mask that will suffocatingly cover her face as she falls asleep.
I can think positive and keep my mind focused on God's plan. Lexi will be healed, God is using every experience to draw us and someone else closer into his arms, and this is going to make her completely better. Her anxiety, however, breaks my heart... I mean, how do you comfort her. She is sooo smart. She asks questions as if she were 20 yrs old. Mom, when will they start my IV, will they put my PICC line in while I am asleep, what antibiotics will I get...ect. And bless her heart, she will be so worked up by the day of the procedure, they will have to give her some Ativan to calm her down before they are ready to take her back to surgery. She is so strong, and tries to hide her emotions....but I know.
Please be in prayer for us as this day approaches. Pray for safety, pray for the doctors to have knowledge, pray for peace, and pray for this to be the day that God performs the biggest miracle for us....perfect healing!!!! I think New Bern's news channel may be there to do a documentary on the procedure for the upcoming telethon. What a great day it would be for our Angel to receive the blessing that she is promised....
We are going into the hospital next Fri for Lexi to have a Bronchoscopy. The pulmonologist will go down her throat and into her lungs to look around and collect sputum samples to culture. I am believing in good results, but the devil is still on my back. She and I both are very anxious. As you can imagine how a 7 year old feels. She is scared and has asked me thousands of questions. I am not sure it makes things any easier that she has already experienced this. She knows how scary it is. She remembers the gown, the smells, the scary nurses, and the mask that will suffocatingly cover her face as she falls asleep.
I can think positive and keep my mind focused on God's plan. Lexi will be healed, God is using every experience to draw us and someone else closer into his arms, and this is going to make her completely better. Her anxiety, however, breaks my heart... I mean, how do you comfort her. She is sooo smart. She asks questions as if she were 20 yrs old. Mom, when will they start my IV, will they put my PICC line in while I am asleep, what antibiotics will I get...ect. And bless her heart, she will be so worked up by the day of the procedure, they will have to give her some Ativan to calm her down before they are ready to take her back to surgery. She is so strong, and tries to hide her emotions....but I know.
Please be in prayer for us as this day approaches. Pray for safety, pray for the doctors to have knowledge, pray for peace, and pray for this to be the day that God performs the biggest miracle for us....perfect healing!!!! I think New Bern's news channel may be there to do a documentary on the procedure for the upcoming telethon. What a great day it would be for our Angel to receive the blessing that she is promised....
Friday, May 13, 2011
The results are in...
Well, we received the final results on all of Lexi's tests done at her CF appt in Chapel Hill. You know, to look at Lexi and talk to Lexi...she seems to be a perfectly healthy, normal child. It seems as though there is nothing wrong b/c you can not see the effects that Cystic Fibrosis has on the body until it has progressed. This often makes daily life a struggle. You can not see the vitamins that she looses in her stool, the huge amount of salt she looses when she sweats, the thick mucus that is in her lungs, sinuses, pancreas, liver, and gallbladder. You can not see or even hear the inflammation that perfume, chemicals, smoke, or allergens cause in her lungs until it is too late. You can not see the bacteria and mold that grows in her lungs. All of this is hard to comprehend. I mean, most days she has absolutely no signs of Cystic Fibrosis.
This makes it really easy to want to get lazy. I mean skipping one treatment (not that we have done this but a couple of times) didn't make any difference that we can see...right. Using soap, lotion, or washing powder that actually smells clean didn't seem to matter, so why not!? Cleaning vigorously around sinks and bath tubs to make sure there is not 1 mold spore...I mean should I stress myself? Staying up late to clean and sterilize her nebulizers...And worse...having to make family and friends follow the millions of rules that come a long with CF. I hate that the most...We have to miss occasions where there will be grilling or bonfires or lake swimming. We have to remind people about air fresheners and candle burning, and perfume...this has alienated us at times from friends and family. I mean, is all this stress even worth it?
What these changes have done is make us realize how much people love and care about Lexi. Family, friends, and even strangers go to great length to protect Lexi. You really find out how GREAT people are.
You know even trips to the UNC Cystic Fibrosis Center seem to be just part of normal life. You know they never speak about prognosis or the progression of her CF. Just seems kinda social sometimes, like visiting friends that listen to Lexi's lungs and get her vitals. I guess to them, the symptoms that I am beginning to see more and more and just normal. Not to me man!!!! I want to be aggressive, I want to stop the symptoms all together, not just slow their progression. I want NO COUGH, not a baseline cough!!
And then....they fax me all the actual results...that they say are normal for her I think that means good...right!?
* Her labs were mostly normal, except her vitamin k needs to be watched b/c her blood clotting time was a little off...and all of this is good...we are eating right, taking our vitamins as directed, staying hydrated, her kidneys are not being effected by her meds, her blood count is not increased trying to fight off any infection, and her labs show she is not having any major allergic reactions to anything.
* Her lung culture again shows ORSA (resistant staph..much like MRSA) and Aspergillus fumigatus (a fungus much like mold). I want no bacteria!!!!
* Her Chest X-Ray says: Her lungs are hyperinflated and perihylar opacities extend into all lobes. Peribronchial thickening has increased from previous exams. Upper lobe bronchiectasis is noted. Brasfield score is 20. I want really normal!!!
Needless to say they did not go over the results of the CXR with me at her last appt, so I have lots of questions for the nurse next week. This seems like a ton of bricks....reality of this horrible disease. I am used to seeing reports from our office, where I work read, "heart and lungs appear normal"...I am not liking this news at all. In fact....I HATE, HATE, HATE THIS....Like I said before, this may be normal for CF kids her age, but I want real normal!!!!!!!!!
And what the crap is a Brasfield one has mentioned this before. I look it up, it seems to be a way that CF doctors can calculate the progression the disease has on the lungs. The highest score is 25 and lowest is 3....not happy bout this either. Lexi is 7, she should be at the height of health...right?! I want her number to be 30!!!!!!!
Among all the devil has thrown at us...there is a light that continues to shine through....God's light that gives me so much hope and comfort on what he can and is gonna do for Lexi...Her liver labs continue to show absolutely no sign of liver disease. For those of you who do not know....when Lexi was 6 mos old she had severe liver disease. Her liver function was more that 30 times what it should have been. She needed a liver transplant but the doctors said she was too small. They told us that she would never see her first birthday.....Then God touched her!!!!! Praise the Lord, God touched her and healed her liver completely!!!! This is what keeps me focused and strong knowing that my hard work and faith in God will bring Lexi complete healing one day!!!
Thanks for listening and sorry for the rant that is sooo long.
We love you all and are so thankful for each of your daily prayers.
This makes it really easy to want to get lazy. I mean skipping one treatment (not that we have done this but a couple of times) didn't make any difference that we can see...right. Using soap, lotion, or washing powder that actually smells clean didn't seem to matter, so why not!? Cleaning vigorously around sinks and bath tubs to make sure there is not 1 mold spore...I mean should I stress myself? Staying up late to clean and sterilize her nebulizers...And worse...having to make family and friends follow the millions of rules that come a long with CF. I hate that the most...We have to miss occasions where there will be grilling or bonfires or lake swimming. We have to remind people about air fresheners and candle burning, and perfume...this has alienated us at times from friends and family. I mean, is all this stress even worth it?
What these changes have done is make us realize how much people love and care about Lexi. Family, friends, and even strangers go to great length to protect Lexi. You really find out how GREAT people are.
You know even trips to the UNC Cystic Fibrosis Center seem to be just part of normal life. You know they never speak about prognosis or the progression of her CF. Just seems kinda social sometimes, like visiting friends that listen to Lexi's lungs and get her vitals. I guess to them, the symptoms that I am beginning to see more and more and just normal. Not to me man!!!! I want to be aggressive, I want to stop the symptoms all together, not just slow their progression. I want NO COUGH, not a baseline cough!!
And then....they fax me all the actual results...that they say are normal for her I think that means good...right!?
* Her labs were mostly normal, except her vitamin k needs to be watched b/c her blood clotting time was a little off...and all of this is good...we are eating right, taking our vitamins as directed, staying hydrated, her kidneys are not being effected by her meds, her blood count is not increased trying to fight off any infection, and her labs show she is not having any major allergic reactions to anything.
* Her lung culture again shows ORSA (resistant staph..much like MRSA) and Aspergillus fumigatus (a fungus much like mold). I want no bacteria!!!!
* Her Chest X-Ray says: Her lungs are hyperinflated and perihylar opacities extend into all lobes. Peribronchial thickening has increased from previous exams. Upper lobe bronchiectasis is noted. Brasfield score is 20. I want really normal!!!
Needless to say they did not go over the results of the CXR with me at her last appt, so I have lots of questions for the nurse next week. This seems like a ton of bricks....reality of this horrible disease. I am used to seeing reports from our office, where I work read, "heart and lungs appear normal"...I am not liking this news at all. In fact....I HATE, HATE, HATE THIS....Like I said before, this may be normal for CF kids her age, but I want real normal!!!!!!!!!
And what the crap is a Brasfield one has mentioned this before. I look it up, it seems to be a way that CF doctors can calculate the progression the disease has on the lungs. The highest score is 25 and lowest is 3....not happy bout this either. Lexi is 7, she should be at the height of health...right?! I want her number to be 30!!!!!!!
Among all the devil has thrown at us...there is a light that continues to shine through....God's light that gives me so much hope and comfort on what he can and is gonna do for Lexi...Her liver labs continue to show absolutely no sign of liver disease. For those of you who do not know....when Lexi was 6 mos old she had severe liver disease. Her liver function was more that 30 times what it should have been. She needed a liver transplant but the doctors said she was too small. They told us that she would never see her first birthday.....Then God touched her!!!!! Praise the Lord, God touched her and healed her liver completely!!!! This is what keeps me focused and strong knowing that my hard work and faith in God will bring Lexi complete healing one day!!!
Thanks for listening and sorry for the rant that is sooo long.
We love you all and are so thankful for each of your daily prayers.
Tuesday, May 3, 2011
Lexi's CF appointment today went well. She has had a lot of congestion and a pretty bad cough since Feb 2nd. We were on 9 weeks of an oral antibiotic called Septra and are just finishing up about 1 more weeks worth of an inhaled antibiotic called Cayston. Neither of these has done a lot for her this time. I have been very concerned, and today made me very anxious. All of her tests came back pretty good. Her oxygen was fine, her lungs some what clear, and her pulmonary function test was good at 97%. So where in the world is this cough coming from. We are baffled and you know me, I am freaking out! I will not stop until her cough is GONE!! Whatever it takes.... I am not a side liner, nor am I passive about her treatment. I probably worry those folks at UNC, but too bad:) My motto is: The harder we work now, the healthier she will be forever.
We are gonna try again with the Septra because it normally works. This time about 4-6 weeks and go from there.
New news today was that Lexi will probably need sinus surgery in the next couple of years...yuck!! Also our CF doctor, who I depend on sooooo deeply is leaving the country for 6 mos...WHAT!!!??? She is head of the Cystic Fibrosis Research Center and is going on a research sabbatical.
Anyway...have a good day! I have so much to say, but to tired physically and emotionally to continue:)
We are gonna try again with the Septra because it normally works. This time about 4-6 weeks and go from there.
New news today was that Lexi will probably need sinus surgery in the next couple of years...yuck!! Also our CF doctor, who I depend on sooooo deeply is leaving the country for 6 mos...WHAT!!!??? She is head of the Cystic Fibrosis Research Center and is going on a research sabbatical.
Anyway...have a good day! I have so much to say, but to tired physically and emotionally to continue:)
Sunday, May 1, 2011
Prayers needed...
Lexi goes for her yearly Cystic Fibrosis check up. Don't exactly know why I am soo nervous. Just normal things like; pulmonary function test, upper respiratory culture, vitals, and check up by the doctor. We will additionally do labs, chest x-ray, see the nutritionist/dietician, and social this visit will be extra long and grueling on my little angel. She dreads it for weeks prior to the appointment. I can't say that I blame her.
Please keep us in your prayers over the next couple of days.
Please keep us in your prayers over the next couple of days.
Friday, March 25, 2011
Lexi's Angels Golf Tournament
Please join us for our first Cystic Fibrosis Golf Tournament Fundraiser. It will be April 21, 2011, 12:00pm at Goldsboro Country Club. The cost will be $50 per person, $250 per team, $100 to sponsor a hole, or just donate what you can for a GREAT cause. There will be food, T-shirts, and prize money to win. Don't miss out:)
Tuesday, March 22, 2011
A bit better:)
It has been a good couple of days. I was concerned even after her check up that something was wrong. Lexi's cough has never been this bad for this long and I was scared. I did bite my lip and wait until Friday to call for her culture results. BOOOOO, she is culturing ORSA (resistant staph). However, her cough has continued to slowly improve. Let's just all pray and agree that it will completely go away and the pollen will not affect her health.
Thanks for your thoughts and prayers.
Thanks for your thoughts and prayers.
Tuesday, March 15, 2011
Unexpected visit...
Lexi had to go for an unexpected visit to UNC today. She has had a cough since she was sick with the flu in Feb. She has been on about 8-9 weeks of abx that don't seem to be working. So...I was definitely nervous. Nervous, because her cough sounds bad and b/c last year this time we were preparing for a hospital stay.
Thank the Lord....her appt did go well. Her cough is just inflammation and irritation of her airways from the influenza virus. Her pulmonary function test was good (96%) and her small airways are open. Shewww...what a relief. Dr. Leigh told us to give her body a break from the antibiotics and we will wait her lung culture results before starting anything new.
Thank goodness:)
Thank the Lord....her appt did go well. Her cough is just inflammation and irritation of her airways from the influenza virus. Her pulmonary function test was good (96%) and her small airways are open. Shewww...what a relief. Dr. Leigh told us to give her body a break from the antibiotics and we will wait her lung culture results before starting anything new.
Thank goodness:)
Sunday, March 6, 2011
How we spend our days!
As I was starting Lexi's vest this morning, I noticed the time appear on the screen. It calculates the total time that the vest has run. It ready for this...1065 hours. That totals to 44.3 entire days!!! And she has only had this vest for 4.5 years. This is what consumes our life....uugghh
Friday, February 25, 2011
Wednesday, February 23, 2011
Exciting news for CF...
Exciting news in the medical industry for Cystic Fibrosis...Click and read the good news:)
Sunday, February 20, 2011
Soooo...This is the equiptment that has to go with Lexi for her to spend just one night away from home. This does not include normal stuff, like clothes or tooth brush. You still interested in that sleep over!?
Saturday, February 19, 2011
We are clear....
Our most recent blessing just came this week. Lexi's upper repiratory cultures finalized this week from her most recent check up at UNC....NO PSEUDOMONAS AND NO STAPH!!! This is a miracle that only God could perform. Lexi has had pseudomonas bacteria growing in her lungs since she was 2 months old. She developed aspiration pneumonia from her feeding tube and so it started. Pseudomonas is very hard to get rid of, and virtually impossible once it has been growing for years. God has been doing major work in our lives and this miracle is by his hands alone! There is no credit that can be given to any medication!! We now have had 4 cultures since last April to come back clear of we are no doubt that it is GONE!!
Lexi has also cultured resistant Staph (much like the MRSA that is so bad) in her lungs for probably 3-4 years now. This bacteria we also have been fighting madly with no results....once again, only God can take the credit. This is our first culture with out Staph...but are trusting that this too is completely gone.
She did, however, culture a small amount of mold. We have seen this off and on too for years, but not consistanly.
Just Praising the Lord today for such a beautiful day and wanted to share this news with you all:)
Lexi has also cultured resistant Staph (much like the MRSA that is so bad) in her lungs for probably 3-4 years now. This bacteria we also have been fighting madly with no results....once again, only God can take the credit. This is our first culture with out Staph...but are trusting that this too is completely gone.
She did, however, culture a small amount of mold. We have seen this off and on too for years, but not consistanly.
Just Praising the Lord today for such a beautiful day and wanted to share this news with you all:)
Friday, February 18, 2011
God is SOOO Good!
So...I have been wanting to start a blog for a while now, but just have not done so. God is leading me in lots of different directions these days and this is one of them. I want this blog to be a place where I can vent when life is overwhelming for me (which will be most day's), a place for family and friends to keep up with us and Lexi's health, but most importantly a place where I can share what God does for us on a daily basis. Our story is filled with God's presence, healing, grace, and wonderful peace....I want this to glorify Him and hopefully touch someone's heart:)
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