Sunday, December 4, 2011

Day three..

Praising the Lord for a great day!  We had a wonderful night sleep, which makes everyone so much happier during the day. :)

They did come in last night and completely stop her Vanc.  This made me worry a little.  The doctors have never stopped her antibiotics, especially in the middle of a dose.  But they did start it back at 4am this morning.  Evidently her levels were way too high:~/

Aunt Stacy and Uncle V came to visit today and brought lots of goodies and snacks.  They stayed about 5 hours which was wonderful.  Gave me a break from having to entertain and really made Lexi's day.

The doctors came in today and said Lexi's lungs sound good.  Hopefully the cleaning they did during her Bronch will make it much easier for the antibiotics to work.  They will also get the wound care team involved with her PICC line care.  Lexi's skin is sooo sensitive that the PICC line dressing breaks down her skin.  They are hoping that getting them involved early will help keep her skin from blistering soooo bad.  The doctors are also going to get the surgical team to come by and talk to us about putting in a Porta cath for Lexi...way nervous about this.

Tonight we were able to unhook Lexi from her IVs for a couple hours.  We took a bath and changed clothes...this was wonderful!

Lexi's arm that her PICC line is in has started to swell some.  We had to page the doctor to come by and look at it.  He ordered an ultrasound for the am thinking there may be a clot or some infection brewing.   We shall see.  Prayers please.

Love you all:)

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