Thursday, September 13, 2012

We gotta sick little girl...

Please say a prayer for Lexi.  She has had a cough that has been worsening for 2.5 weeks.  She has had some sinus congestion, but no other symptoms.  Usually this means a CF exaserbation...oh no!  I called UNC this week and they have seen a lot of sick kids this week.  They decided to go ahead and put her on four weeks of Rifampin and Septra. 

I get a call today and Reed has had to pick Lexi up from school.  She is so sick with a stomach virus.  She has thrown up all day.  This is not what we need.  We do not need this to weaken her little body.  We need all of her cells fighting for her lungs.
Please say a prayer for her healing.

1 comment:

  1. Oh no no no!!! :(!!! Praying for Lexi Loo and all of you!!! <3 you!!!
