Wednesday, August 22, 2012

If your not vaccinated...a hand shake is all you get:)

Good morning my dear friends and family.  I am in need of your help.:)  We need to get vaccinated!!!

As you all have probably heard, the whooping cough is back in full force.  There were numerous cases diagnosed last year in Wayne and other surrounding counties.  These cases have been fairly healthy people with no other health issues.  Thank God, the CF community hasn't had a case yet. 

There has now been a death due to this disease and the Center for Disease Control and the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation is urging everyone to get vaccinated.  Most importantly those that work in the health or education field, the elderly and those that care for the elderly, anyone that would be around an infant or small children, and ABSOLUTELY EVERYONE that would be in contact with someone with Cystic Fibrosis!

I am begging you to please get vaccinated as soon as possible.  If Lexi or one of the new babies that the Coley family is expecting were to catch this, it very probably would be fatal!  And it would be dumb to not get a simple shot that would protect those we love.

I called the Wayne County Health Department today.  They are giving vaccines Mon-Thurs 7-11:30am and 1-5pm.  The cost is only $35 and they will file your insurance.

Thank you for your help.

The saying in the medical field is this..."If a person has not been vaccinated, they should not kiss or hug your child!"  We love baby sugar too much to not do this!  Lets do it, people:)

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